
Geological mapping, stratigraphic observations, and U/Pb dating allow reconstructing the pre-orogenic setting of the transition zone between the distal European passive margin and the Alpine Tethys in the southwestern Alps. Although convergent tectonics overprinted the syn-rift Jurassic tectonic features, our data document an articulated Jurassic physiography. From the distal European passive margin oceanward, we distinguished: the Dronero Unit (the southernmost Dora Maira massif), represents a continental margin composite basement wherein monometamorphic metasediments are interlayered with Late Permian (253.8 ± 2.7 Ma) metavolcanic rocks; the Sampeyre Unit, represents a structural high consisting of Lower Triassic Verrucano-facies siliciclastic metasediments unconformably sealed by Cretaceous calcschist bearing Globotruncana sp.; the Maira Unit, corresponds to a Middle Triassic platform succession detached from the Sampeyre Unit; the Grana Unit, corresponds to a Late Triassic–Late Jurassic platform to basin succession; the Queyras Schistes Lustrès Complex, represents the ocean basin succession. Tectonic slices of Cambrian (513.9 ± 2.7 Ma) metadiorite hosted in the Valmala Shear Zone, separating the Dronero Unit from the underlying (U)HP units of the Dora Maira massif, suggests a potential pre-Alpine activation of the shear zone.

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