
Active pre-main-sequence binaries with separations of around ten stellar radii present a wealth of phenomena unobserved in common systems. The study of these objects is extended from Classical T Tauri stars to the Herbig Ae star HD 104237. Spectro-interferometry with the VLTI/AMBER is presented. It is found that the K-band continuum squared visibilities are compatible with a circumbinary disc with a radius of ~0.5 AU. However, a significant fraction (~50 per cent) of the flux is unresolved and not fully accounted by the stellar photospheres. The stars probably don't hold circumstellar discs, in addition to the circumbinary disk, due to the combined effects of inner magnetospheric truncation and outer tidal truncation. This unresolved flux likely arises in compact structures inside the tidally disrupted circumbinary disc. Most ($\gtrsim 90$ per cent) of the Br gamma line emission is unresolved. The line-to-continuum spectro-astrometry shifts in time, along the direction of the Ly alpha jet known to be driven by the system. The shift is anti-correlated with the Br gamma equivalent width. It is shown that the unresolved Br gamma emission cannot originate in the jet but instead is compatible with stellar emission from the orbiting binary components. The increase in the absolute value of the equivalent width of the line takes place at periastron passage; it could arise in an accretion burst, a flare or in the increase in effective size of the emission region by the interaction of the magnetospheres. The binary longitude of the ascending node is found to be $\Omega=(235\pm3)\degr$ and the orbit retrograde. The origin of the jet is revisited. The tidal disruption of the circumstellar disks creates difficulties to ejection models that rely on stellar magnetosphere and disc coupling. A scenario of a stellar wind collimated by a circumbinary disc wind is suggested.

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