
Maintaining continence and erectile function is crucial for quality of life after radical prostatectomy. This review provides an overview of available evidence concerning preoperative risk stratification as well as intra- and postoperative factors determining functional outcomes after radical prostatectomy.Current data indicate that patient factors including age, baseline erectile function, prostate size, body-mass index and comorbidity status are valid predictors of functional outcome after prostatectomy. While surgical methods do not seem to have any influence, intraoperative procedures like nerve-sparing techniques, the extent of pelvic floor reconstruction as well as surgeons' experience have a significant impact on postoperative potency and continence. Rehabilitation consisting of pelvic floor training and use of PDE-5 inhibitors also contributes significantly to the recovery of erectile function and urinary continence.In summary, numerous adjustments of treatment can help to improve functional results and thus the quality of life after prostatectomy. A careful preoperative selection of suitable patients by urologists and integration of knowledge of periprostatic nerve and fascial structures into the surgical procedure are decisive factors.

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