
A 2-D hydrodynamic model has been developed that describes the pre-explosion processes in a microprotrusion of a vacuum arc cathode based on a self-consistent calculation of the electric potential drop in the near-cathode region. The model includes a calculation of the cathode temperature in view of the surface heat fluxes carried by electrons and ions during the interaction of the cathode surface with the cathode spot plasma and the Joule heating of the cathode. The near-cathode space charge sheath is considered in the 1-D local Bohm approximation. It has been shown that the heat flux from a cathode plasma having parameters characteristic of low-current vacuum arcs can induce thermal instability (thermal runaway) in a cathode microprotrusion and heat it to a critical temperature within some tens of nanoseconds. Comparative analysis of the volumetric Joule mechanism and the surface electron-plasma mechanism underlying the development of thermal instabilities in a cathode has been performed in one numerical experiment. It has been shown that the instability induced by the surface mechanism can arise at lower densities of the cathode spot plasma and its growth rate is lower compared with the instability induced by the Joule mechanism.

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