
Introduction: Blood Donors are the backbone of a Blood Transfusion service.Since blood donors are considerate volunteers, they should be encouraged , motivated and should be safe without any adverse reactions. As the quote says , people who have not donated have never been asked for .Post donation well being and donors being fine fettle will definitely have implications on blood donor return rate .voluntary repeat donations should be encouraged. If the donors are ensured of a pleasant experience, they will be motivated to become regular repeat donors. This can be accomplished by preventing adverse reactions during and post donation. Objectives: 1.To study the frequency of occurrence of adverse reactions in voluntary whole blood donors. 2. To evaluate the efficacy of pre dontion hydration and muscle tensing exercises in preventing Adverse donar reactions 3. To look for associated factors like age, sex,mental status in the causation of donor adverse reactions Methodology: Study duration : 3 months . Total of 800 donors will be included in the present study , of which 200 will in the standard group and 600 ( 200 each) in intervention group. Randomly donors were assigned to one of four groups: 1) standard donation, 2) Leg exercise prior to Donation (venipuncture/Phlebotomy) 3) Pre-donation water (500 ml of bottled water consumed 20 to 30 minutes before donation), 4) Pre-donation water combined with leg exercise during donation Statistical analysis: Analysis :using SPSS 19.0 software. All data will be entered in Excel and further analysed. Results : There was significant reduction in the VVR in group 3 and 4 when compared to group 1 and 2.Anxiety was more in group 1 and 2.we found that pre donation exercise was not acceptable/ tolerated by many donors and they became more restless / showed anxiety when compared to group 3 .there was no much difference between group 3 and group 4 with respect to VVR.Pre donation hydration and muscle exercise were associated with significantly lower VVR. Implications : Pre Donation Hydration ( 500 ml of water 15 to 20 minute before donating) and leg exercises will help reduce vasovagal reactions specially in Novice donors, thus adding them to the Donor Pool. Hilights : Pre donation Hydration and Muscle tensing exercise to reduce the Adverse donor reactions Increase the Donor Pool Key words : Predonation Hydration, Muscle tensing exercise, donor adverse reaction.

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