
In addition to instructor assessment, capstone and introductory design students self-assess their skill levels based on their perceived attainment of and confidence in their ability to perform categorized skills related to the CEAB Graduate Assessment Attributes pre and post both courses. The assessment levels are no or introductory experience, developing,satisfactory and mastered. The goals of this initiative are to provide data for the CEAB mandated requirement for continuous course improvement, and to gauge student perceptions of their skill development as they progress through the design course sequence. The results from two sets of online surveys for each course have helped identify areas for course development and have helped prioritize course improvements in areas with the largest potential for attribute and skill improvement. Course deliveryeffectiveness was evaluated by comparison with previous cohorts, pre and post course student self-assessment, and student engagement and satisfaction survey data. This report focuses on the results of the pre and post course student self-assessments, including outcomes for cohortscompleting all four surveys, and comparisons between students enrolled in the co-op program, who have an 8-month gap between courses, and traditional engineering program students, who are younger on average and only have a one-month gap between courses

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