
The concept that the plutonism of the lunar highlands and the mare-type volcanism are two separate problems in both time (> 4.4 AE versus < 3.95 AE) and space is seriously questioned by the discovery of a 4.23-AE low-Ti mare basalt from Fra Mauro Formation. Apollo 14 breccia 14305 contains a clast (,122) which is an olivine gabbronorite that is texturally and mineralogically similar to several Apollo 12 basalts (e.g., 12005, 12035, 12040). It consists of cumulus olivine (40 modal %; Fo 62–70) and Ti-chromite (2.5 modal %); post-cumulus phases include low-Ca pyroxene (29 modal %; Wo 7–13 En 68–75), augite (10 modal %; Wo 31–40 En 47–50), plagioclase (15 modal %, An 82–93), and ilmenite (4 modal %, 5–7 MgO). The TiO 2 content of this rock = 4.3%; CaO/Al 2O 3 ⋍ 1.0, CaO = 5.1%; MgO/FeO ⋍ 1.0, MgO = 21.9%. The REE pattern, normalized to chondritic abundances, is approximately 30 × Ch and “hump-shaped” with a pronounced Eu depletion and a non-KREEPy signature. A four-point Rb-Sr isochron reveals an age of 4.23 ± 0.05 AE. The sample has a low initial 87Sr/ 86Sr= 0.69911 ± 3. The data presented here show that non-KREEPy, mare-type volcanism commenced at least as early as 4.2 AE in the Fra Mauro region and probably across much of the lunar surface. Massive bombardment during the “terminal cataclysm” and the subsequent veneer of younger mare basalts has obliturated most of the evidence for these ancient volcanic events. These old, mare-type volcanics may be related to basin-forming events such as made Procellarum (i.e., impact-triggered igneous activity).

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