
Prayer rituals are an integral part of the daily lives of Muslims worldwide. This comprehensive review aims to explore the common dermatoses associated with prayer among Muslims and provide insights for dermatologists to facilitate accurate diagnosis and reduce unnecessary investigations. A systematic literature search returned 367 published articles, of which 21 met the inclusion criteria. Friction-induced dermatitis was the most frequently reported dermatosis, primarily affecting the forehead, knees, dorsum of the feet, and lateral malleoli. Friction-related marks often present as hyperpigmented lichenified plaques, and are more common in elderly individuals and males. Cases of contact dermatitis and fungal infections were also reported. Allergic contact dermatitis was linked to perfume application before Friday prayers, whereas fungal infections were attributed to increased water retention between toe webs, possibly related to communal ablution and prayer areas. Awareness of these prayer-related dermatoses enables dermatologists to provide holistic care for diverse populations and targeting specific interventions with respect for patients' religious beliefs. For example, Muslim patients with symptomatic frictional dermatoses may benefit from use of padded prayer rugs, especially diabetic patients whose lesions carry an increased risk of progressing to neuropathic ulcers.

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