
The phenomenon of migration is accompanied by rapid and profound changes that graduallyshape the present period of history. The phenomenon of migration is a very intensive process,which state authorities are forced to conform to specific regulations. Globalisation has affectedthe shape and extent of the migration of the population. The effect of globalization has becomea phenomenon revive ethnic and cross-cultural migrations. Religious and cultural changes takingplace on the European continent, and caused the migration of the population, are comparable tothose which were the result of the Reformation in the sixteenth century. Currently, a large partof immigrants come from such different cultures that their integration in European society isextremely difficult. Europeans contact with people from other cultures causes interesting effects onthe border law enforcement and preserving traditions inherited from their ancestors. The ideologyof multiculturalism has suffered a crisis in many EU countries. Therefore, the EU legislator isforced to develop a new perspective on the integration process of migrants. The right to familyreunification is an essential element of this process.It should be noted that a well-designed and effectively complied with the law in this areacan contribute to the effective elimination of pathologies that are often an expression of overinterpretationof old tribal customs.

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