
To conduct an occupational health study of men and women employed on prawn trawlers in the northern prawn fishery (NPF), Australia's major fishery. A retrospective review of attendances by crew members of prawn trawlers at the principal Health Centre on Groote Eylandt, between 1986 and 1989, and a prospective study, including a health and safety questionnaire, of all attendances at the Health Centre from April to June, 1990 (the first half of the annual fishing season). Alyangula Health Centre, Groote Eylandt, Northern Territory. From 1986 to mid-1990, there were over 700 attendances. Those with minor ailments were treated by nursing sisters and the remainder (152) were referred to the doctor and included in the study. In 1990, 29 patients were part of the prospective study. Of those seen by the doctor, the mean ages of men and women were 32 and 18 years respectively. The commonest diagnoses were: lacerations, sprains and fractures (30.9%); skin sepsis and dermatitis (25.7%); and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) (13.8%). Among women, most of whom were cooks, 23% of consultations were for STDs. Knowledge of STDs and their prophylaxis among the crews was poor. All new employees should be given formal safety instruction before going to sea. To reduce the risk of STD, health education posters and condom dispensers should be placed aboard all trawlers. Pre-employment medical examination for all prawn fishermen, which at present is not compulsory, should be mandatory.

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