
The right to identity of the child, internationally recognized by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, is one of the most important in the corpus of child rights. Its structure is complex since it includes several narrower rights. Nevertheless, the situations where it comes to restriction of the right to identity are not negligible. One of them is the right to anonymous birth, the possibility acknowledged by legislators in a certain number of European countries. Conflicting interests between a mother and a child are inevitable consequence of the anonymous birth. The aim of this article is to compare the right to identity of a child and the mother's right to anonymous birth as insurmountable barrier in determining biological origin. Special attention is paid to the possibility of establishing an adequate balance between their interests, by comparing the importance that national legal system offers to each of them, with appropriate arguments, several different models of motherhood regulations are presented and can be found in European legislations. The analysis also includes the stances of international bodies, especially the European Court of Human Rights.


  • Its structure is complex since it includes several narrower rights. The situations where it comes to restriction of the right to identity are not negligible

  • One of them is the right to anonymous birth, the possibility acknowledged by legislators in a certain number of European countries

  • The aim of this article is to compare the right to identity of a child and the mother’s right to anonymous birth as insurmountable barrier in Tamara Mladenović, Pravo na anonimni porođaj naspram prava deteta na identitet determining biological origin

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Apstrakt: Pravo deteta na identitet, međunarodno priznato Konvencijom UN o pravima deteta, jedno je od najvažnijih iz korpusa prava koja su priznata deci. Evropske konvencije o ljudskim pravima, kojim se pruža zaštita pravu na privatni i porodični život pojedinca.[57] On, naravno, ne predviđa izričito pravo na saznanje svog porekla, ali je praksa ESLJP-a u nekolicini slučajeva svojim tumačenjem pomenutog člana, naročito prava na zaštitu privatnog života, pridala veliki značaj posrednoj zaštiti prava na identitet.[58]. Ovakvo rešenje, za razliku od francuskog, ne predviđa čak ni puku mogućnost za dete da jednog dana otkrije identitet biološke majke makar isključivo u situaciji kada ona na to pristane.[69] Italija je dala apsolutnu prednost zaštiti majčinih interesa, umesto uspostavljanju mehanizma koji bi uskladio prava u sukobu. Sl. glasnik RS, br. 20/09, 145/14 i 47/18

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