
Between 1992 and 1995 the Western Cyprus Project excavated at a suspected Middle Chalcolithic period settlement site at Prastio-"Agios Savvas tis Karonis Monastery" in the Pafos District of Cyprus. The final phase of the fieldwork in 1994-1995 is summarized and interpreted here. Evidence suggests that rather than a single undisturbed settlement, there once were two prehistoric settlements which were destroyed in the 16th and 17th centuries C. E. by a series of major erosional episodes. The archaeological and ecofactual remains from one of the settlements was deposited in what was a freshwater pond. The other ended up as fill in a network of erosional gullies and in an outer series of rooms of the monastery. Further sherds and other artifacts from the area point to a number of periods of utilization of the monastery's environs from the beginning of the fourth millennium B. C. E. through this century. The Chalcolithic, Bronze Age, and Medieval-Modern ceramic assemblages, the chipped stone and ground stone assemblages, the glass assemblage, and the human osteological remains are presented as well.

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