
Ayurveda is an ancient concept that believes in holistic healing using herbs. Ayurveda is made up of two words “Ayu” which means life and “Veda” which means knowledge. As per the Ayurveda “Tridosha” principle used for determining the “Prakriti” of a person. Prakriti is a composition of Panchmahabhutas (Five Elements) categorized into three doshas. If three doshas are balanced, then a person is healthy otherwise he/she is prone to diseases. Ayurveda recommends a specific diet, exercise, and medicine that can restore the balance in this Prakriti to provide health. Tridosha is the base concept in the Prakriti Nishchitikaran (Prakriti Certification) and has been studied for a long time; the quantitative reliability for Prakriti Nishchitikaran is studied in this research paper using supervised machine learning algorithms. This paper helps to identify the main Prakrities—“Vataj” (V), “Pittaj” (P), “Kaphaj” (K) and subtypes—“Vataj Pittaj” (VP), “Pittaj Kaphaj” (PK), “Vataj Kaphaj” (VK), and “Vataj Pittaj Kaphaj” (VPK).

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