
The article attempts an analytical look at the trends in labour market and unemployment research developed by Małgorzata Szylko-Skoczny and her research team from the perspective of three decades of development of labour market and employment policy in Poland. Unemployment on local labour markets, the social and economic effects of unemployment, the role of the state and local labour market policy in balancing the Polish labour market and counteracting unemployment are the basic trends in research pursued at the Institute of Social Policy, Faculty of Political Science and International Studies of the University of Warsaw, which have had a huge impact not only on scientific development but above all on the socio-economic reality in Poland. Many of the research and scientific activities have been a source of inspiration for reforms and changes undertaken by decision-makers. However, the specific value of the research was in joining the European discussion on key problems of the labour market – from the social effects of unemployment, specific problems of young people entering the labour market despite many barriers, to the ideas of flexicurity and changes in the world of work, increasingly apparent in the globalising economy. The advantage of the scientific practice promoted by Szylko-Skoczny, has been its completeness and multidimensionality – moving forward research on the labour market and unemployment, the training of specialists in this field, a huge body of new publications and textbooks, internationalization of research, and finally the beginning of new trends in the University of Warsaw’s research and analysis of the labour market and employment in terms of migrations, social labour system, social dialogue, flexible forms of employment. This potential of achievements, in the scientific dimension as well as in terms of professional position and prestige and the potential for the development of scientific capital, deserves to be consolidated, catalogued and analysed separately.

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