
In certain conversational settings, silence does not only represent the absence of speech, but it is used as a means of communication conveying different meanings. The objective of this paper is to analyze the pragmatic role of silence in Orhan Pamuk's novel Kafamda Bir Tuhaflık. Examples of silence are registered in the original text of the novel Kafamda Bir Tuhaflık and contrastive analysis was used to compare them with the types of silence presented in the translations to Bosnian language. This was used to try to establish whether certain types of silence have an identical pragmatic value in Turkish and Bosnian language. The analysis compares syntactic structures expressing different types of silence in the original text of the novel and its translations to Bosnian language. Turkish language is the initial language of the analysis. Therefore, syntactic structures expressing different examples of silence in the original text of the novel are compared to the translational equivalents in Bosnian language. The analysis of specific contextual examples shows that the success of interpersonal communication depends to a great extent on accurate knowledge and understanding of different types of silence. The results obtained from the analysis contribute to better knowledge and understanding of different types of silence in different conversational settings and they can serve as a good basis and a good starting point for further research regarding different types of silence.


  • Examples of silence are registered in the original text of the novel Kafamda Bir Tuhaflık and contrastive analysis was used to compare them with the types of silence presented in the translations to Bosnian language

  • This was used to try to establish whether certain types of silence have an identical pragmatic value in Turkish and Bosnian language

  • Syntactic structures expressing different examples of silence in the original text of the novel are compared to the translational equivalents in Bosnian language

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Mirza Bašić

Pragmatička uloga različitih tipova šutnje u romanu Kafamda bir tuhaflik autora Orhana Pamuka. Šutnja ne predstavlja samo odsustvo govora, prvenstveno zato što se različiti tipovi šutnje mogu upotrebljavati kao komunikativni resursi kojima se prenose različita značenja u različitim kontekstualnim situacijama U ovome se radu analizira pragmatička vrijednost različitih tipova šutnje koji su zabilježeni u tekstu romana Kafamda Bir Tuhaflık turskoga nobelovca Orhana Pamuka. Kao što je već navedeno, u našem se radu Bulićeva studija koristi kao model prema kojem se analizira pragmatička funkcija šutnje u konverzacijskim situacijama zabilježenim u romanu Kafamda Bir Tuhaflık i prijevodu romana na bosanski jezik. Svi pojmovi koji se navode u ovome radu, a koji imaju rodni značaj i rodno obilježje, obuhvataju na jednak način muški i ženski rod bez obzira na to da li se navode u muškome ili ženskome rodu

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