
Purpose: Kenya’s foreign policy has largely rested with the presidency as has been shown by the analysis of the Uhuru Kenyatta Regimes. The general objective of the study was to examine pragmatic analysis of marriage dowry negotiations in local communities Africa.
 Methodology: The paper used a desk study review methodology where relevant empirical literature was reviewed to identify main themes and to extract knowledge gaps.
 Findings: The study concludes that for good negotiations to take place, interpersonal relationship has to be realized and this was done by using relevant lexical items. The lexical items that showed interpersonal relationships created a good environment for the negotiators to speak their minds. Some lexical items which are used in marriage negotiations are also in daily usage but their meanings differed according to the context of use. Several lexical items were used in marriage negotiations but five lexical items were used both in the marriage negotiations and also appeared in everyday usage but their meanings varied. The lexical items were analysed using Lexical Narrowing. Lexical Narrowing increases implications and the hearer is entitled to narrow the interpretation that satisfies his expectation.
 Recommendations: The study found that marriage negotiations involved the use of sayings and proverbs especially from the bridal side. The study, therefore, recommends that further research can be done in those areas and also on the symbols that every form of dowry entail in Africa local communities and other communities abroad

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