
Relevance of our research is determined by the practical results of three scientific analyzes. The first one has showed Top-10 discussed problems on Internet with the key words “modern system” (with “Modern system of education” on the Runet’s top). The second one is a survey of Internet communication. It demonstrates humorous component in media-texts on a given theme. The third one is the main pragmalinguistic analysis. It deals with the media-texts with a humorous component from the ambivalent point of view. Empirical base of our paper is the media-texts with humorous component. They are devoted to the educational process in Russian Federation in 2020. The texts were analyzed with conative oriented strategies “Author`s expectation” and “Author`s assessment. The expectation category is connected with “accepted” or “facial reality” of the media-text`s sender; assessment category reflected positive-approving, negative-disapproving and neuter- indifferent assessment contains a certain affective reaction on situation. The strategies are textual and regulatory simultaneously. They may be applied not only according to the indicator`s direction to the media text`s receiver, but according to facial, social and idiographic characteristics of the text`s author. The subject of the research is the author’s choice of those variants of the statement which are preferable for material presentation and for latent regulation of the receiver. SSG (smaller scale syntax group) is the unit of our analysis. The sender of the text is obligatory actualized definite grammar form in this group. Ambivalent approach “assessment vs reaction” — “assessment vs reality” to media area in terms of laughter culture has revealed mixed feelings of the media-text`s senders to the modern system of education and it is a part of mass consciousness. Media-texts with humor effect create the ambivalent part of mass consciousness as a common experience and response to crisis of Russian Federation educational system.

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