
              Since the emergence of the modern criticism theories, the aim of these theories was the focus on research and the analysis of literary texts scientifically and academically and according to specific data.  The historical criticism theory is one of the first modern criticism theories adopted by many of pioneers of literature and has a group of scientific constituents that investigate the relationship between the text and its external aspects.          Generally, there are three stages of criticism theories: the first stage deals with the external aspects of the text .For example writer’s life, social situation, conditions and historical events. These external aspects are tools for structuralists and formalists. The second stage deals with the internal context of the literary text. This stage appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century as constructional criticism, modern criticism and structuralism.         The last stage pays attention to the readers’ role as semiology criticism, deconstruction criticism, reception theory …..etc. This theory is connected to external aspects of the text and it takes historical, political and social events as a means to analyze the literary text.   According to this theory, the literary text is reflection of writer’s life conditions and the writer is a mirror for the social situations predominant during his era and education emerges from environment which is a part of the history. Therefore, the theory of historical criticism in the process of criticism emphasizes the writer’s life, predominant conditions and the environment that the literary text is their outcome.         The present study focuses on two collections of poems, namely “The songs and Snow and Fire “ by Muaaed Taeeb  and “I will not retreat “ by Rekesh Amedy . The two collections were analyzed according to the three bases of historical criticism (Time, Environment, and Race).  The aim of this study is the explanation of the historical dimension of two collections of poems namely “The songs and Snow and Fire “ by Muaaed Taeeb  and “I will not retreat “ by Rekesh Amedy . As a result of the analysis conducted on these two collections, it turned out that the historical criticism was one of the essential pillars of the creation of the theme and ideology of those poems.

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