
This research aimed at strengthening the visionary leadership skills of students through Participatory Action Research (PAR) methodology, which is a spiral cycle of Planning, Acting, Observing, and Reflecting (PAOR). In this study, the researchers conducted this investigation over the course of two cycles (each lasting one semester) in the Academic Year of 2021. The three expected outcomes of the development were as follows: 1) there would be changes from both anticipated and unanticipated practices; 2) the learning would be obtained from the practices at the research level, the group level (co-researchers), and at the organizational level (school); and 3) there would be knowledge gained from the practices in the specific context of Phayakkhaphumwittayakarn School (the research area). There were 12 teachers, who were the co-researchers, and 425 students, who comprised the target group for the development. The research results contributed to the anticipated changes. In other words, the students had higher average scores from the visionary leadership skills assessment results when the 3 phases were compared (before and after the 1st cycle and after the 2nd cycle). In addition, the co-researchers and the students were exposed to unanticipated effects. In addition, the research team, the co-researchers, and the school also learned the lessons from the practice considered as the knowledge, which is a model called Six Driving Forces that Affect the Success of the Project entitled ‘Practicing Collaborative Teachers to Strengthen Student's Visionary Leadership Skills.’

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