
The article addresses Information and Communication Technologies as a resource for mediating the learning process in pandemic times. The objective is to present Google company tools (Earth Pro, Maps, MyMaps) and their potential for teaching geography regarding physical-natural themes. The work commences with an analysis of the document named “Base Nacional Comum Curricular para o Ensino Fundamental”, focusing on the organic and progressive set of essential learning that geography must develop throughout Basic Education. It is followed by some references in the matter of geotechnologies contributions to the learning process. Subsequently, it presents some propositions created and tested using geotechnologies as a stimulus to spatial thinking applied to some units that cover and structure the school of Geography: World and work (Transformation of natural and anthropic landscapes); Forms of representation and spatial thinking; Nature, environments and quality of life. It is concluded that in the period of adaptation of the learning process experienced during the COVID-19 Pandemic, these tools were a strategic resource in the training process of geography teachers.

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