
The main objective of this study is to assess the Practices and Challenges of the Oromia branch Ombudsman Institution in Impacting Public Sector Governance and Service Delivery. The study employed qualitative approach and evaluative design. Primary Data was collected using interview and FGD. The findings of the study showed that lack of accessibility, budget and human resource shortage, lack of institutional competence, weak performance, and a very weak linkage with other public sectors and with media found to be of the major challenges. Some of the recommendations forwarded by this study are: The regions ombudsmen institutions in general and the Oromia branch ombudsman in particular should be accountable to the regional legislature; the Oromia branch ombudsman institution should improve its professionalism in order to conduct its activities more effectively as the success of any ombudsman is mainly determined by the personality of the representative/commissioner. Moreover, the Oromia branch ombudsman should ensure its independence at any cost so as to secure public confidence; it should maintain continuous dialogue or awareness raising forums with government officials, private groups and civil society groups so that it is possible to make its roles known; and should use the media to educate and promote public awareness of its mandate or roles so that it can reach the wider mass.

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