
Describe your role as a psychiatric pharmacist. What did you need to change after starting your practice to make it work the way it does now? Currently, my practice area in the VA hospital has been established for less than two years. My predecessor was in the process of getting things off the ground before leaving for another opportunity in the private sector, so I have had the opportunity to set up clinics and work with our providers and patients in such a way that it is helpful for everyone involved. I am able to hold my own clinics, educational sessions, and balance other duties required by my department. I had to slowly integrate myself into working with our multi-disciplinary teams at first, and then figure out where my services would be most helpful for our providers, staff, and – most importantly – patients. I’ve had the opportunity to show staff and patients that my skills as a pharmacist not only include dispensing and/or counseling to patients but other functions such as monitoring drug therapy, making appropriate recommendations, and seeing patients one-to-one when necessary. The providers and staff utilize my expertise to further provide safe care for our Veterans. Safe medication use has had a positive impact on patient care and emphasizes safety while a patient is enrolled in one of the programs offered at the facility, as safe and appropriate use of medications is a primary concern in all of the residential care programs. I have had flexibility to carve out my time with the tasks I do daily to best help our patients and assist our providers. In this aspect, it has been nice being able to create my own clinics and use my time in ways I think will best benefit care for our patients. Describe a typical day in your practice setting. Every day is different, but I make daily rounds to each of the residential care units located in Albuquerque in the mornings. I work in five different programs, four of which are located in Albuquerque. The fifth residential treatment program focusing in substance abuse treatment is in Gallup, NM, which I travel to once monthly with the VA’s dietician and recreational therapist.

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