
Ahealthy lifestyle is recommended for prevention, during therapy and in the survivorship of various medical conditions. This article aims to give an overview of the current dietary recommendations and currently discussed topics which are useful for patient counseling. The literature with afocus on uro-oncology, on prevention, during cancer therapy and survivorship was reviewed for healthy lifestyle recommendations. In addition, issues perceived in practice were researched, discussed with examples, and critically evaluated. The current recommendations of the professional associations are intended to encourage all healthy or already ill patients to adopt ahealthy lifestyle that includes abalanced diet, physical activity and healthy body weight. Consistent with current evidence, neither general supplementation of dietary supplements nor avoidance of entire food groups (such as meat or dairy products) is recommended. In the counseling situation, patients should be encouraged in ahealthy lifestyle or supported in an appropriate change of behavior. Any perceived uncertainty or questions from patient's perspective should be clarified and, if necessary, referred to adietician, oecotrophologist or nutritionist.

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