
A postal survey was conducted to investigate difficult airway management, training and equipment availability among Fellows of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists in Queensland. The survey aimed to determine practise patterns for predicted difficult airways and investigate equipment availability. Participants were asked to nominate an induction method, intubation method and airway adjunct for each of the five difficult airway scenarios. The cases consisted of one elective and four emergency scenarios. Availability of difficult airway devices in their institution was also assessed, as well as demographics of practice and airway-related maintenance of professional standards participation. There were 454 surveys distributed and 250 returned (response rate 55%). Direct laryngoscopy and flexible fibreoptic intubation were the most commonly selected techniques for all five cases. Difficult intubation trolleys were available to 98% of responders. Certain types of equipment (such as fibreoptic bronchoscopes and cricothyroidotomy kits) were available less frequently in private institutions. We recommend a standardisation of difficult airway management equipment and an on-going training program to provide support for anaesthetists in all locations.

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