
Ensuring universal service and access to Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a top National objective in many countries. One of the distinctive features of human being is their ability to acquire knowledge and what makes the knowledge an ever-thriving entity is men’s ability to impact this knowledge to others. In this research paper researcher tried to find out the concept of moving the traditional classroom of desks, notebooks, pencils and blackboard to an online form of computers, software and the internet intimidates many teachers who are accustomed to face to face interaction of the traditional classroom. A quantitative research design is used to collect the data through the method of survey and personal interview by filling the survey questionnaire. Through this data finding the benefits of ICT’s in teaching is that they can improve the quality of education. The contemporary higher education systems are aiming for accusation of ICT skills as part of the core education system. It is believed that this research paper provides proper recommendation and suggestions for use of ICT in education and can increase access to learning opportunities. Findings of this research suggest that mostly teachers use Laptop and projector as a mode of ICT tools at universities for teaching and learning. It is concluded that the use of ICT in education can increase access to learning opportunities. It can help to enhance the quality of education with advanced teaching methods, improve learning outcomes and enable reform or better management of education systems. Through this research paper it is recommended that teachers of universities should combine different resources in their teaching methods and utilize different ICT tools in classroom and Universities must ensure that student must have equitable access to digital content for learning.

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