
This study sought to assess the effects of practice of guidance and counselling appraisal/assessment services on learners’ discipline in primary schools in Mbeere South Sub County, Kenya. Survey research design was employed in the study. The population was 162 headteachers, 162 teacher counsellors, 4563 class eight pupils. The sample was 48 headteachers, 48 teacher counsellors and 376 pupils. Data for the study was collected by use of questionnaires. Data was analyzed quantitatively using descriptive statistics which included frequencies and percentages and also means and standard deviation. Data was presented by use of frequency distribution tables (FDT). Findings revealed that teachers did not employ important guidance and counselling services such as assisting pupils minimize frustrations in life, assisting pupils balance academic work and recreation, assisting pupils realize their fullest potential in school, they also did not make referral cases on pupils with severe challenges. Findings also revealed that teacher counsellors did not provide appraisal/assessment services on learners. The study concluded that teacher counsellors did not employ the required guidance and counselling practices which could be a cause for indiscipline cases in the schools. It was also concluded that schools did not have appropriate appraisal/assessment services to enhance discipline among the pupils. Among the recommendations that the study came out with included a replication of a similar study in an urban setting. It was also recommended that a study on parental upbringing and its influence on learner discipline may be carried out. Lastly there was a recommendation of a study to establish how integration of guidance and counselling has influenced curriculum implementation in schools.

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