
In order to provide more practicable and convenient continuing medical education for orthopedic surgeons in primary hospitals and expand the academic influence of expert lecturers and host hospitals in the region, our department hosted nine short-term training courses of orthopedic surgery jointly with primary hospitals, which lasted for 1 to 1.5 days on weekends from June 2001 to October 2017, with expert lectures as the main form. Traumatic orthopedics was the main topic, and most expert lecturers were orthopedic experts from famous hospitals within the province and the whole country, as well as the experts from the host hospital. More than 1 200 orthopedic and surgical physicians in local districts and counties participated in the training, and excellent social effect has been achieved. For short-term orthopedic training jointly held with hospitals in prefecture-level cities, the topic of training should be carefully selected, and duration of the training and number of lecturers should be controlled, so as to achieve satisfactory social effects under the premise of low cost of administrative resources. Key words: Continuing medical education; Orthopedics; Short-term training course; Primary hospital; Primary care physician; Prefecture-level city

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