
Objective To explore the form and effect of an after-class autonomic model aiming at improving English writing competence. Methods Objects were chosen through pre-experimental test and were divided into three groups: control class(n=44),experimental class one (n=47)and ex-perimental class two(n=48). Objects from the control class did not keep journals while those from the two experimental classes kept journals for twelve weeks. Teacher comments,student's mutual com-ments and exhibitions of excellent journals were conducted in experimental class one. All the objects took a post-experimental test at the end of the experiment and a survey was conducted among the ob-jects from the two experimental classes. SPSS16.0 was used for data-processing. T-tests were adopted to compare the pre-experimental and the post-experimental test scores of all classes(P〈0.05 indicates significant difference). Variance analyses were conducted to compare the post-experimental tests (P〈0.05 indicates significant difference). Results The T-test results of the control class,experimental class one and experimental class two were respectively as follows:t=1.59,P=0.12;t=13.42,P =0.00;t=11.68,P=0.00. The results of the variance analyses were:F=48.87, P=0.00. The T-value of the SNK comparison between experimental class one and the control class was 9.12(P=0.00),that between ex-perimental class two and the control class was 7.99 (P=0.00) while that between experimental class one and experimental class two was 1.19(P=0.23). Results of the survey:98.94%of the objects agreed that keeping English journals could help to improve the fluency and accuracy of English writing;85.11%regarded keeping English journals as an effective way to improve English writing competence;80.85% believed than keeping English journals could help to put the newly-learnt vocabulary to use. 50% of the objects deemed that keeping English journals could improve writing interest and 69.15%thought that it could enhance writing confidence. 70.21% believed that exhibiting excellent journals could create good writing atmosphere and inspire writing motivation. Conclusions Keeping English journals could improve English writing competence significantly through after-class autonomic writing, and it can improve writing interest and confidence. However,the impacts of teacher comments,stu-dent's mutual comments and the exhibition of excellent journals on writing competence are not signifi-cant. Key words: English journals;  Autonomic writing;  Writing competence

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