
The film and television industry plays a crucial role in the development of the global cultural sector. In recent years, vocational education in the field of film and television has experienced rapid growth in China. However, the current talent training model for this profession fails to meet the demands of the fast-paced industry development and lacks effective support for its advancement. Project-based learning is a student-centered teaching approach that employs authentic projects as the primary medium for learning. This study presents an empirical investigation conducted in a vocational college in Xiamen, where project-based learning was incorporated into the film and television production courses to assess its effectiveness. The findings of this research demonstrate that the implementation of project-based learning in the context of film and television production is viable. In comparison to traditional didactic instruction, project-based learning significantly enhances students' motivation to learn, practical skills, critical thinking abilities, and teamwork abilities. Consequently, it holds significant value in cultivating applied talents.

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