
We consider stochastic optimization of a smooth non-convex loss function with a convex non-smooth regularizer. In the online setting, where a single sample of the stochastic gradient of the loss is available at every iteration, the problem can be solved using the proximal stochastic gradient descent (SGD) algorithm and its variants. However in many problems, especially those arising in communications and signal processing, information beyond the stochastic gradient may be available thanks to the structure of the loss function. By constructing a strongly convex surrogate of the loss function at every iteration, the stochastic SCA algorithms can exploit the structural properties of the loss function. In this work, we take a closer look at the stochastic SCA algorithm and develop its asynchronous variant which can be used for resource allocation in wireless networks. While the stochastic SCA algorithm is known to converge asymptotically, its iteration complexity has not been well-studied, and is the focus of the current work. The insights obtained from the non-asymptotic analysis allow us to develop a more practical asynchronous variant of the stochastic SCA algorithm which allows the use of surrogate calculated in earlier iterations. We characterize precise bound on the maximum delay the algorithm can tolerate, while still achieving the same convergence rate. We apply the algorithm to the problem of linear precoding in wireless sensor networks, where it can be implemented at low complexity but is shown to perform well in practice.

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