
The article examines the role of the National School of Judges of Ukraine in strengthening the mechanisms preventing corruption through the professional training of the judiciary. In particular, relevant training activities for candidates for the judge's post, effective judges of all jurisdictions and judges of the High Anti - Corruption Court are reviewed in the article. The program of special training of candidates for the post of judge (to fill vacant posts of judges in the courts of first instance) in 2018-2019 comprised trainings on anti-corruption legislation, including European standards and national legislation; corruption related criminal offences and criminal offenses in the field of in-service and professional activity tied to the provision of public services; administrative offenses related to corruption. Trainings on anti-corruption legislation and practice of its application are a part of the periodic training programs of effective judges of local general, commercial and administrative courts, as well as courts of appeal. Anti - corruption issues were one of the key topics in the training of newly appointed Supreme Court judges. It is stated that National School of Judges of Ukraine also made a contribution into the process of selection of judges of the High Anti - Corruption Court by developing of test questions and practical tasks (model court cases). The School, with the support of its international partners, conducted an Orientation Course for judges of the High Anti - Corruption Court, which included trainings on the rule of law, standards of human rights protection in accordance with the practice of the European Court of Human Rights, return of assets and instruments of cooperation with international organizations, international anti-corruption standards, practical aspects of dealing with corruption cases (witness and victim protection, money laundering, asset seizure, special confiscation). The next scheduled training of judges of the High Anti - Corruption Court was related to adjudication of corruptionists and confiscation of their property in Ukraine. The main training topics for the court staff are the application of anti-corruption legislation concerning civil servants, main issues of financial control, features of the electronic declaration system, settlement of conflicts of interest, responsibility for violation of anti-corruption legislation. The conclusion is made that all these activities influence the change of the professional consciousness of judges, the affirmation of the values of the rule of law and fair trial. Keywords: corruption prevention, confiscation of assets, special training of candidates for the post of judge, periodic training of judges.

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