
In September 2019, the Dubai Municipality of Dubai Emirate, the United Arab of Emirates, has received its first Scintrex CG-6 Autograv gravity meter. This paper describes the installation and initial gravity signals with the new CG-6 Autograv gravimeter. Two gravity field sites have been selected in Dubai City and Hatta mountainous area. The relative gravity field measurements have been recorded for about one month time span; two weeks in Dubai and two weeks in Hatta. Among different effects reducing the gravity measurements, the tide and drift corrections have been focused on this paper. Two tidal models have been applied to reduce the tide effect based on the automated ETGTAB of the CG-6 gravimeter and ETERNA3.3 software. The results regarding the tide correction show very small discrepancies between both models (ETGTAB and ETERNA3.3) of about 2.2 μGal and 2.6 μGal in terms of standard deviations at Dubai and Hatta gravity stations, respectively. So, the outcome of the precise tidal model of CG-6 Autograv gravimeter is reliable for tidal reduction within Dubai area and its surroundings. Regarding the drift correction, the CG-6 Autograv provides low instrument drift values about 2.44 μGal and -2.35 μGal per day for the Dubai and Hatta stations, respectively. Furthermore, it is recommended that the Hatta gravity station would be considered as a stable and trusted gravity site. For Dubai gravity station, the gravity observations are affected by some noises from traffic activities while recording the gravity signal during the working days. Therefore, it is recommended for Dubai gravity station to be measured during the weekends and at nights in order to avoid any noises affecting the CG-6 gravimeter.

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