
The data processing system ordered for the National Control Centre included a topology program and a state estimation function, in addition to SCADA-functions. The SCADA-functions were implemented in 1981 and the latest application introduced was the state estimation function in 1983. This paper examines experiences obtained in the specification, implementation and actual use of the network control applications. When making the specification much emphasis was placed on the presentation of real time network data in an easily viewable manner. An effort was made to avoid presenting unessential data to the Control Centre. This was done by making use of information processed by the topology program. To some extent we have had to go back to using conventional techniques, in order to guarantee the good performance of the system in emergency situations. So far, the estimator has been used only to complete real-time measurement data. Here, too, our experiences with the estimator have been good. It has helped the power system dispatcher to control exceptional situations and persons responsible for the data acquisition system to find bad data. Changes occur continuously in the power structure. These changes must be updated in the network model. Routine updating should take place quickly and effortlessly. The report describes the maintenance of input data required by applications, initial problems and the current situation. Finally we will examine future plans for using the estimator and for implementing security monitoring functions.

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