
<b>The aim:</b> of study was to analyze the efficacy of modified therapy for mild Сovid-19 in an outpatient setting. <b>Material and methods:</b> at an outpatient visit to a pulmonologist, patients with a probable or confirmed diagnosis of Covid-19 were prescribed a modified treatment regimen. All patients to the standard prescription of umifenofir (in the first 5 days of illness) and anticoagulants in preventive doses (with any degree of lung damage) were added therapy with statin (atorvastatin 40 mg or rosuvastatin 20 mg), a polyenzyme drug (Phlogenzym® or Wobenzym®), ascorbic acid with rutin (450-750 mg each per day), vitamin D (10000 IU - 3 days, then 5000 IU per day), omega-3 fatty acids-1000mg, vitamins A + E (55+100mg bid), zinc (20-50 mg per day). <b>Results:</b> We analyzed 47 treatment outcomes, 55.3% of women, 44.7% of men, average age - 49.5±3.6&nbsp;years. In the comparison group on standard therapy (Umifenovir in the first 5 days, Interferon alfa nasal, Paracetamol on demand) there were 19 patients (58% of women, 42% of men, average age 50.1±4.7). Only 2 (4.25%) patients in the main group but 3 (15.8%) patients in the comparison group had significant deterioration and subsequent hospitalization, p &gt;0.05. The average duration of the acute symptomatic period (fever, severe weakness) was&nbsp;5.8&nbsp;± 0.74 days, in the comparison group - 9.2 ± 1.04 days, p &lt;0.01. In the main group, a statistically significant improvement in such laboratory parameters was also noted during the week: the level of CRP, ferritin, D-dimer. <b>Conclusions:</b> A statistically significant decrease in symptomatology was revealed in the group with a modified treatment regimen. We believe that further study and comparison of different therapy regimens is required.

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