
Rising fuel prices coupled with environmental concerns to arrest SOx emissions is forcing organizations all over the world to adapt new protocols and fuel standards with the aim to lower the sulphur contents in the fuel to keep SOx emissions in check and in tandem equally optimize the capital spending on fuel. The need to adapt to this new reality is even more obligatory for industries in PAKISTAN where power available through national grid is in dire state and industry has to resort to their own resources sources to meet local demand for Steam and Power Generation. This paper presents the fuel analysis of the Unilver factory at Rahim Yar Khan Pakistan. The increase reliance on diesel fuel, for power and steam generation, is a concern at company as it will directly impact their environmental balance sheet due SOx production. Fuel was analyzed as per ASTM D 975 and results were compared with that of supplier certificate and it was observed there was erroneous reporting in sulphur contents. The impact of this deviation was discussed in length along with its bearing on SOX calculations and environmental balance sheet of the company. The results are expected to be first of its kind and may be helpful to Pakistani industries that endeavor to improve their SOx foot prints in factory premises.

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