
Recent progress in printable electronics has enabled the fabrication of printed strain sensors for diverse applications. These include the monitoring of civil infrastructure, the gradual aging of which raises concerns about its effective maintenance and safety. Therefore, there is a need for automated sensing systems that provide information on the performance and behavior of engineering structures that are subjected to dynamic and static loads. The application of printed strain sensors in structural health monitoring is of growing interest owing to its large-area and cost-effective fabrication process. Previous studies have proven the suitability of printable strain sensors for dynamic strain measurements on bridges; however, the analysis of the long-term stability of printed sensors during static strain measurements is still lacking. Thus, this study aims to assess the long-term stability of printed strain sensor arrays and their suitability for the static strain analysis of large civil structures. The developed sensors and a dedicated wireless data acquisition system were deployed inside a gravity dam, which was selected as the field test environment. This test environment was chosen owing to the relatively stable temperature inside the dam and the very slow static strain changes associated with periodic water level changes. The results exhibited an average signal drift of 20 over 127 days. One of the sensor arrays was installed on a small crack in the dam structure; it showed that the sensors can track static strain changes owing to variations in the crack opening, which are related to the water level changes in the dam. Overall, the results of the developed sensors exhibit good strain sensitivity and low signal drift. This indicates the potential suitability of printed sensors for applications in the static strain analysis of engineering structures.

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