
When using forest seeds for the needs of reforestation and afforestation, the requirements of forest seed zoning should be observed, which regulates the permissible directions and distances of movement of seeds of a particular species of forest trees and shrubs, taking into account their geographical and edaphic origin. Forest seed zoning provides the most rational use of the genotypic potential of a certain species of woody plants in different types of forest vegetation conditions and is an important stage in the organization of forest seed business on a genetic and selection basis. The task of the article is to identify a number of problematic issues in forest seed production, to identify areas where it is possible to address the issue of improving forest seed zoning in the context of forest seed and nursery development in modern conditions. New terminology is proposed and the essence of the proposed normative and legal documents is introduced from the perspective of adaptation of forest seed and nursery to the introduction of conditions for obtaining and circulation of forest reproductive material to the level of compliance with the requirements applicable in EU countries. The issue of improving forest seed zoning in the context of the development of forest seed production and nurseries becomes especially relevant in the process of solving the problem of putting forest reproductive material into circulation, according to the draft Law of Ukraine "On Forest Reproductive Resources" (2019). This article analyzes the forestry aspects of zoning of the territories of Ukraine used in forestry practice, and proposes the improvement of forest seed zoning in the direction of forest efficiency and the criteria for assessing the population and ecosystem functionality of forests. Also, the improvement of forest seed zoning is considered from the applied standpoint of ensuring the conditions for obtaining and putting into circulation forest reproductive material. This is a key issue for the transfer of forest seed and nursery of Ukraine to the level of compliance with the requirements applicable in the countries of the European Union.

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