
The evaluation of the sanitary-hygienic and ecological state of the environment on the territory of the location of the former silo launchers of intercontinental ballistic missiles after their partial elimination, as practical testing of the main provisions of the developed draft methodological manual on ensuring of environmental and hygienic safety of the sites for placing silo launchers after their decommissioning and Land reclamation. A comprehensive observation of the combat launch positions of liquid intercontinental ballistic silo based missiles after their decommissioning and partial liquidation was carried out. In accredited testing laboratories in soil, water, building structures, there were carried out.studies of the qualitative and quantitative content of unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine (UDMH) and its degradation products, heavy metals, radionuclides. In studied soil samples unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine was found to be in the soil in 69.4.7% of cases, and in 40.8% of cases in the studied samples, the excess of the MPC content of UDMH was recorded by 1.2 - 32 times. The study of soil on the degradation products of UDMG revealed their presence in some substances in most of studied samples, but their values did not exceed the MPC. The content of a number of heavy metals, both anthropogenic (zinc, lead, nickel) and natural (cobalt, chromium) nature was noted to exceed the maximum permissible and approximately permissible concentrations. It has been established that if the incomplete disposal of the former chemically hazardous facilities of the Ministry of Defense and land reclamation is concerned, the environment may contain toxic and highly toxic substances in concentrations exceeding the established standards. This circumstance determines the potential danger of decommissioned, but not properly disposed former military facilities for the environment, as well as for the local population. The experience gained during the practical activities made it possible to make the necessary additions and changes to the final version of the draft document on ensuring environmental and hygienic safety of the areas where the silo launchers were placed after their decommissioning and land reclamation.

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