
Katz, Soskin and their associates 1 have developed a feasible laboratory procedure for estimating, in an objective manner, the functional status of patients with heart disease. This test is based on the excess oxygen consumption accompanying the performance of a standard exercise. When a large group of ambulatory patients were subjected to this test, the functional capacity of the heart as judged from the excess oxygen consumption was found roughly to parallel the clinical assay of the cardiac status. However, subsequent testing by Dr. H. Strauss 2 of a group of some fourteen ambulatory patients with coronary selerosis and angina pectoris yielded exercise tolerances within the normal range. It seemed evident that the functional capacity of the heart was not the only factor determining the excess oxygen consumption, and further studies were deemed advisable. In the present study, three patients with congestive heart failure of a degree which demanded rest in bed were tested during their hospital stay.

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