
This article’s aim is an attempt at discussing the notion of reproductive work/labour pondered over by female representatives of Italian autonomism and alsoeminent in Luce Irigaray’s philosophy. By pointing to the said relationship between Irigaray’s thought and Italian feminist movements, the author indicates the missing link in feminist historiography, referring feminist thought back to the origins of Marxist philosophy. Following the trail of thought of both the feminist female theoreticians and Luce Irigaray, the author proves that through regaining the significance of reproductive work/labour playing crucial role in patriarchal-capitalist economy, it is actually possible to redefine the gender distribution of labour/work based on exploitation of women in economic, social, political, and cultural dimension. Putting sexuate difference to the eponymous work would, therefore, involve intertwining those two programmes: Irigaray’s philosophy and Italian autonomism, accompanied by a political programme per se, which would transform social relations between men and women,thereby creating new worlds and new relations.

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