
The content and main directions of PR activities of Muslim religious organizations in Ukraine were analyzed. It was determined that the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Ukraine "Umma", the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Ukraine and the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea carry out such activities most systematically, which is characterized by the use of many resources and modern media technologies, although there is a lack of systematicity. Their PR activity is multi-channel: through print and electronic media, as well as radio and television, although Internet resources, including social networks, prevail. Muslim religious organizations both create their own media content and translate global media. A universal model of PR activities of Muslim organizations is the posting of general information on the basics of Islamic belief and features of religious practice, as well as digitized thematic literature, on electronic resources. Muslim religious organizations in their PR activities also use streaming technologies, i.e. continuous broadcasting of events in real time, mainly to cover charitable, cultural and educational PR actions conducted by the organization. Facebook, Instagram and Telegram are the main social media channels used by Muslim organizations for PR activities, where content is regularly posted on the pages of communities and spiritual leaders. An important direction of the PR activities of Muslim organizations in Ukraine is the coverage of their leadership's participation in state events, as well as the adoption of declarations of their interaction with the authorities and the public. The signing of the Charter of Muslims of Ukraine and the Social Concept of Muslims of Ukraine became significant. The components of PR activities of Muslim organizations are cultural (as patronage and as intercultural mass communication), charity, work with children and youth.

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