
AbstractThis paper investigates the Italian elementgià‘already’ under negation in various contexts, including questions. The occurrence ofgiàunder negation in questions is unexpected becausegiàcannot be licensed in declarative sentences with sentential negation (It. *Non ho già fatto colazione. literally ‘I did not have breakfast already.’). The empirical contribution of this paper is to provide a corpus analysis and to describe the contexts in whichgiàcan appear under negation. The main research questions of this paper are as follows: (i) how do we account for the distribution and the licensing conditions ofgiàunder negation? and (ii) how is the meaning ofgiàrelated to its distribution? This paper shows that some syntactic restrictions are responsible for the distribution ofgiàunder negation, and that in contexts wheregiàappears under negation in questions or conditionals, it is not interpreted under the direct scope of negation.

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