
Nowadays, Green IoT-Based Agriculture plays an essential role in farming to improve the yield. Here, IoT devices are embedded in the farming equipment, which helps to enhance the irrigation and yield with minimum cost-cutting. Data security and privacy are major challenges in green IoT-related agriculture. Therefore, a secured system should create to maintain data confidentiality, authentication, integrity, availability, and privacy. This system uses the privacy-preserving data aggregation (PPDA) with a Fair access framework (FAF) that manages the data security. The data aggregation concept is used to protect the green IoT data from false data injection. The FAF utilizes the blockchain technique to grant, get, revoke and delegate access to the user. The developed security system can adapt the green IoT-based agriculture and provide confidentiality, which is done with the help of an enhanced ciphertext access control mechanism. This system resolves the security and privacy issues involved in the Green IoT-based agriculture, and the effectiveness of the system is evaluated using implementation results.

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