
Objective: To study the relationship between changes in the content of estradiol and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), the restructuring process of the cardiovascular system in women with hypertension. Design and method: 64 women in the late reproductive age with hypertension not taking antihypertensive therapy. All determined by the level of estradiol and FSH. Depending on the degree of estradiol and FSH patients with hypertension were divided into groups. In group 1 (gr.) Included 34 hypertensive age 39,11 ± 4,3 years with the menstrual cycle and estrogen deficiency. In the 2nd c. - 30 with hypertension, age 39,14 ± 2,23 years, with the menstrual cycle and normal levels of estradiol and FSH. A comparison group of 20 healthy women, 38,45 ± 4,12 years with normal levels of estradiol and FSH without hypertension. Performed duplex scanning of the common carotid artery (CCA). Results: Observed expansion of the mean diameter of CCA in patients with hypertension and estrogen deficiency. Blood flow velocity in the CCA significantly lower in comparison with the control in patients with hypertension and gipoestrogeniya. Resistance index was higher in patients with hypertension 1 gr. in comparison with the control and patient 2 gr. The elastic properties of the wall of the carotid artery decreased: from 41,3 ± 10,8 x ∼ 3 / kPa in patients with hypertension and normal levels of estradiol to 36,4 ± 10,8 x Yu- 3 / kPa p = 0.034 for patients with hypertension with decreased levels of estradiol. The index of stiffness was higher in comparison with the control as in patients with hypertension estrogenodefitsitom, and without it. Conclusions: Duplex scanning of carotid arteries in women with hypertension shows expansion of the lumen of the CCA, reducing blood flow velocity, expressed against the backdrop of estrogen deficiency, indicating that the more significant changes in the vascular wall in hypertensive patients compared with having normal levels of estradiol.

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