
Objective: With aging lipidic parametres tend to modify. This represents a risk factors which is useful to monitor in Primary Practice. Vascular elasticity is a parametre which correlates indirectly with arterial rigidity and shows how elasticity decreases with time. Design and method: 110 hypertensive individuals aged between 40 and 80 years have been selected for the study. Secondary hypertension has been excluded. Lipidogram of these individuals has been performed using the Guide for the Management of Hypertension of the European Cardiology Society. Also Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV) of the aorta has been measured (gold stadard for arterial rigidity) using an arteriograph. We have then tried to establish a correlation between lipidic parametres and PWV Results: PWV = 9.30m/s, Standard Deviation (SD) = +/-1.92; Total Cholesterol (TC) = 208 mg/dl SD = +/-47.2, which liniarly correlate with Pearson index r = 0.481. PWV and LDL cholesterole (LDLc = 118 mg/dl +/-49.7) correlate with r = 0.501. Triglicerides (TG) = 145 mg/dl SD = +/-111 correlate to PWV with r = 0.379, also HDLcholesterole (HDLc) = 47.1 mg/dl SD = +/-11.9 correlate with PWV with r = 0.353. Conclusions: Evaluating aortic rigidity and lipids are useful in the evaluation of hypertensive patients with cardiovascular risk. Arterial rigidity measured by the arteriograph directly correlates directly with TC, LDLc and indirectly with HDLc.

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