
The Concorde powerplant represents a highly successful solution to the problem of integration of powerplant aerodynamics for the Mach 2 plus SST. It comprises a relatively simple mechanical design with high overall efficiency and a remarkable degree of tolerance to aircraft maneuverability, atmospheric transients, and engine handling. Aerodynamic integration requirements, particularly in the field of intake/engine compatibility lead to stringent requirements for overall control, both in steady-state and dynamic modes, resulting in complex difinition for the intake control system with a need to introduce cross-talk between inlet control and engine in addition to the normal engine, reheat, and nozzle interrelationships. The multiunit control system of mixed digital and analogue form has led to certain problems in the development stages due to the inflexibility of analogue content and has been through many functional changes in order to realize the full potential of the installed powerplant. A revision of the system design concept both in the field of definition and airworthiness requirements is necessary to achieve a satisfactory datum for a future supersonic transport aircraft. Such avenues are explored in the remainder of the paper in the context of low risk aerodynamic progress in conjunction with a sophisticated control system, a standard against which all future proposals for supersonic transports must be assessed.

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