
Due to widespread use of digital and microprocessor-based electronic equipment, industry has become more sensitive to problems associated with the low quality of electric power. Low power quality can interrupt operation of sensitive or critical loads, and cause system malfunctions and even failure. Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) systems and Fault Current Limiters (FCL) are the most promising superconducting technologies for power quality applications. SMES units with an output power of about 1 MW can be of benefit as sources of pulsed power to a dedicated 480 V user’s critical load and for improvement of power quality. The next generation of micro-SMES could be connected to a medium voltage electrical substation to provide quality power to all critical loads connected to the substation. Micro-SMES operation is illustrated with the example of Intermagnetics’ 6 MJ, 750 kVA unit. A fault current limiter is a device in a transmission or distribution power network which can reduce the magnitude of a fault current and mitigate hazards associated with the faults. High temperature superconducting (HTS) current-limiting devices may offer a technically sound, cost-effective solution over traditional technologies.

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