
Now a day Energy Consumption is one of the most promising fields amongst several computing services of cloud computing. A maximum amount of Power resources are absorbed by the data centre because of huge amount of data processing which is increased abnormally. So it’s the time to think about the energy consumption in cloud environment. Existing Energy Consumption systems are limited in terms of virtualization because improper virtualization leads to loads imbalance and excessive power consumption and inefficiency in terms of computational power. Billing[1,2 ] is another exciting feature that is closely related to energy consumption, because higher or lesser billing depends on energy consumption somehow-as we know that cloud providers allow cloud users to access resources as pay-per-use, so these resources need to be optimally selected to process the user request to maximize user satisfaction in the distributed virtualized environment. There may be an inequity between the actual power consumption by the users and the provided billing records by the providers, So any false accusation that may claimed by each other to get illegal compensations. To avoid such accusation, we propose a work to consolidate the VMs using the Power Management as a Service (PMaaS) model in such a way, to reduce power consumption by maximum resource utilization without live-migration of the virtual machines by using the concept of Virtual Servers. The proposed PMaaS model uses a new “Auto-fit VM placement algorithm”, which computes tasks resource demands, models a Virtual Machine that fits those demands, and places the Virtual Machines on a Virtual server made by the collective resources (CPU, Memory, Storage and Bandwidth) from the respective schedulers directly connected to the actual physical servers and that has the minimum remaining resources which is large enough to accommodate such a Virtual Machine.

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