
With the advent of the computer network era, people like to think in deeper ways and methods. In addition, the power information network is facing the problem of information leakage. The research of power information network intrusion detection is helpful to prevent the intrusion and attack of bad factors, ensure the safety of information, and protect state secrets and personal privacy. In this paper, through the NRIDS model and network data analysis method, based on deep learning and cloud computing, the demand analysis of the real-time intrusion detection system for the power information network is carried out. The advantages and disadvantages of this kind of message capture mechanism are compared, and then a high-speed article capture mechanism is designed based on the DPDK research. Since cloud computing and power information networks are the most commonly used tools and ways for us to obtain information in our daily lives, our lives will be difficult to carry out without cloud computing and power information networks, so we must do a good job to ensure the security of network information network intrusion detection and defense measures.

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