
We generalize several inequalities involving powers of the numerical radius for the product of two operators acting on a Hilbert space. Moreover, we give a Jensen operator inequality for strongly convex functions. As a corollary, we improve the operator Holder-McCarthy inequality under suitable conditions. In particular, we prove that if $f:Jrightarrow mathbb{R}$ is strongly convex with modulus $c$ and differentiable on ${rm int}(J)$ whose derivative is continuous on ${rm int}(J)$ and if $T$ is a self-adjoint operator on the Hilbert space $cal{H}$ with $sigma(T)subset {rm int}(J)$, then $$langle T^2x,xrangle-langle Tx,xrangle^2leq dfrac{1}{2c}(langle f'(T)Tx,xrangle -langle Tx,xrangle langle f'(T)x,xrangle)$$ for each $xincal{H}$, with $|x|=1$.

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